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Branching strategies

Branching schemes for the enumeration of decision variables (discrete or continuous), disjunctive constraints, or tasks can be configured to use built-in or user-defined variable / constraint / task and value selection heuristics.
  • branching.mos: branching strategies using the branching schemes 'assign_and_forbid', 'assign_var', and 'split_domain'; user-defined variable and value selection heuristics.
  • probeac2001.mos, probeac2001_nary.mos: branching scheme 'probe_assign_var' and definition of generic binary or nary constraints; solving the Euler knight tour problem.
  • [probe]settledisjunction.mos: branching schemes 'probe_settle_disjunction' and 'settle_disjunction'; same problem as in "disjunctive.mos" but modeled by pairs of individual disjunctions (using 'or').
  • groupserializer.mos: defining a task group based branching strategy for the problem of "producer_consumer.mos"
  • taskserializer.mos: defining a task-based branching strategy for the problem of "producer_consumer.mos" (two versions showing definition of callbacks via subroutine references or by name)
  • altresource_scheduling.mos: defining a task-based branching strategy with user-defined resource selection criterion
  • altresource_scheduling_softbreaks.mos: like altresource_scheduling.mos with additional soft breaks (pre-emptive breaks) on resources
Further explanation of this example: 'Xpress Kalis Mosel Reference Manual'[download all files]

Source Files


   CP example problems
   file probeac2001.mos
   Euler knight tour problem implemented with user-defined
   binary constraints.

   *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence 
       for the default data instance ***

   (c) 2008 Artelys S.A. and Fair Isaac Corporation
       Creation: 2005, rev. Jul. 2022   
model "Euler Knight Moves"
 uses "kalis"

  S = 8                                  ! No. of rows/columns
 N:= S * S                               ! Total number of cells
 setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_LB", 0)
 setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_UB", N-1)

 forward function valid_knight_move(a:integer, b:integer): boolean

  PATH = 1..N                            ! Cells on the board
  pos: array(PATH) of cpvar              ! Position p in tour

! Setting names of decision variables
 forall(i in PATH) setname(pos(i), "Position"+i)  

! Fix the start position
 pos(1) = 0

! Each cell is visited once
 all_different(pos, KALIS_GEN_ARC_CONSISTENCY)

! The knight's path obeys the chess rules for valid knight moves
 forall(i in 1..N-1)
  generic_binary_constraint(pos(i), pos(i+1), ->valid_knight_move)
 generic_binary_constraint(pos(N), pos(1), ->valid_knight_move)

! Setting enumeration parameters
                  KALIS_MAX_TO_MIN, pos, 14))

! Search for up to NBSOL solutions
 solct:= 0
 if not cp_find_next_sol then
  writeln("No solution")

! **** Test whether the move from a to b is admissible ****
 function valid_knight_move(a:integer, b:integer): boolean
   xa,ya,xb,yb,delta_x,delta_y: integer
  xa := a div S
  ya := a mod S
  xb := b div S
  yb := b mod S
  delta_x := abs(xa-xb)
  delta_y := abs(ya-yb)
  returned := (delta_x<=2) and (delta_y<=2) and (delta_x+delta_y=3)


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