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Scheduling problems

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
B‑1 Construction of a stadium: Project scheduling (Method of Potentials) *** projplan_graph.mos
2 problems; selection with `|', sparse/dense format, naming and redefining constraints, subroutine: procedure for solution printing, forward declaration, array of set
B‑2 Flow shop scheduling **** flowshop_graph.mos
alternative formulation using SOS1
B‑3 Job shop scheduling *** jobshop_graph.mos
formulating disjunctions (BigM); dynamic array, range, exists, forall-do,array of set, array of list
B‑4 Sequencing jobs on a bottleneck machine: Single machine scheduling *** sequencing_graph.mos
3 different objectives; subroutine: procedure for solution printing, localsetparam, if-then
B‑5 Paint production: Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) ***
solution printing, repeat-until, cast to integer, selection with `|', round
B‑6 Assembly line balancing ** linebal_graph.mos
encoding of arcs, range

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 7: Scheduling problems[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file b4seq.mos
   Sequencing jobs on a bottleneck machine

   This problem provides a simple model for scheduling tasks
   on a single machine (a critical machine or bottleneck).
   Three objectives are solved for - minimizing the total
   schedule duration 'makespan', the average completion time,
   or the total lateness.
   A parameter is passed to the print solution procedure to
   indicate which objective was solved and print results
   accordingly, applying format settings locally within
   the subroutine.

   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022

model "B-4 Sequencing"
 uses "mmxprs"

 forward procedure printsol(obj:integer)
  NJ = 7                          ! Number of jobs

  REL: array(JOBS) of integer     ! Release dates of jobs
  DUR: array(JOBS) of integer     ! Durations of jobs
  DUE: array(JOBS) of integer     ! Due dates of jobs

  rank: array(JOBS,JOBS) of mpvar ! =1 if job j at position k
  start: array(JOBS) of mpvar     ! Start time of job at position k
  comp: array(JOBS) of mpvar      ! Completion time of job at position k
  late: array(JOBS) of mpvar      ! Lateness of job at position k
  finish: mpvar                   ! Completion time of the entire schedule
 initializations from 'b4seq.dat'

! One job per position
  forall(k in JOBS) sum(j in JOBS) rank(j,k) = 1

! One position per job
  forall(j in JOBS) sum(k in JOBS) rank(j,k) = 1

! Sequence of jobs
  forall(k in 1..NJ-1)
   start(k+1) >= start(k) + sum(j in JOBS) DUR(j)*rank(j,k)

! Start times
  forall(k in JOBS) start(k) >= sum(j in JOBS) REL(j)*rank(j,k)

! Completion times
  forall(k in JOBS) comp(k) = start(k) + sum(j in JOBS) DUR(j)*rank(j,k)

 forall(j,k in JOBS) rank(j,k) is_binary 
! Objective function 1: minimize latest completion time
 forall(k in JOBS) finish >= comp(k)

! Objective function 2: minimize average completion time
 minimize(sum(k in JOBS) comp(k))

! Objective function 3: minimize total tardiness
 forall(k in JOBS) late(k) >= comp(k) - sum(j in JOBS) DUE(j)*rank(j,k) 
 minimize(sum(k in JOBS) late(k))


! Solution printing
 procedure printsol(obj:integer)
  writeln("Objective ", obj, ": ", getobjval,
          if(obj>1, "  completion time: " + getsol(finish), "") ,
          if(obj<>2, "  average: " + getsol(sum(k in JOBS) comp(k)), ""),
          if(obj<>3, "  lateness: " + getsol(sum(k in JOBS) late(k)), ""))
  localsetparam("REALFMT","%4g")  ! Reserve 4 characters for display of reals
  forall(k in JOBS) write(getsol(sum(j in JOBS) j*rank(j,k)))
  forall(k in JOBS) write(getsol(sum(j in JOBS) REL(j)*rank(j,k)))
  forall(k in JOBS) write(getsol(sum(j in JOBS) DUR(j)*rank(j,k)))
  forall(k in JOBS) write(getsol(start(k)))
  forall(k in JOBS) write(getsol(comp(k)))
  forall(k in JOBS) write(getsol(sum(j in JOBS) DUE(j)*rank(j,k)))
  if(obj=3) then
   forall(k in JOBS) write(getsol(late(k)))

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