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Scheduling problems

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
B‑1 Construction of a stadium: Project scheduling (Method of Potentials) *** projplan_graph.mos
2 problems; selection with `|', sparse/dense format, naming and redefining constraints, subroutine: procedure for solution printing, forward declaration, array of set
B‑2 Flow shop scheduling **** flowshop_graph.mos
alternative formulation using SOS1
B‑3 Job shop scheduling *** jobshop_graph.mos
formulating disjunctions (BigM); dynamic array, range, exists, forall-do,array of set, array of list
B‑4 Sequencing jobs on a bottleneck machine: Single machine scheduling *** sequencing_graph.mos
3 different objectives; subroutine: procedure for solution printing, localsetparam, if-then
B‑5 Paint production: Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) ***
solution printing, repeat-until, cast to integer, selection with `|', round
B‑6 Assembly line balancing ** linebal_graph.mos
encoding of arcs, range

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 7: Scheduling problems[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file b2flowshop.mos
   Flow shop production planning
   A workshop has three machines to produce metal pipes.
   A piece must go through each machine and cannot stop
   unless it is between machines. What is the best order
   of pieces so that the total time for completion is minimized
   for all pieces?
   This problem uses four variables to track which job is scheduled
   in which position, which machines are empty, which jobs are 
   waiting between machines, and when jobs are starting.
   Note that each job must be assigned a position and every
   position ('rank) must be assigned a job. The 'rank' variables
   are either binary variables or defined as members of two SOS-1.
   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022

model "B-2 Flow shop"
 uses "mmxprs"
  NM = 3                               ! Number of machines
  NJ = 6                               ! Number of jobs
  MACH = 1..NM
  RANKS = 1..NJ
  JOBS = 1..NJ

  DUR: array(MACH,JOBS) of integer     ! Durations of jobs on machines

  rank: array(JOBS,RANKS) of mpvar     ! 1 if job j has rank k, 0 otherwise
  empty: array(MACH,1..NJ-1) of mpvar  ! Space between jobs of ranks k and k+1
  wtime: array(1..NM-1,RANKS) of mpvar ! Waiting time between machines m
                                       ! and m+1 for job of rank k
  start: array(MACH,RANKS) of mpvar    ! Start of job rank k on machine m
                                       ! (optional)

 initializations from 'b2flowshop.dat'

! Objective: total waiting time (= time before first job + times between
! jobs) on the last machine
 TotWait:= sum(m in 1..NM-1,j in JOBS) (DUR(m,j)*rank(j,1)) +
           sum(k in 1..NJ-1) empty(NM,k)

! Every position gets a job
 forall(k in RANKS) sum(j in JOBS) rank(j,k) = 1

! Every job is assigned a rank
 forall(j in JOBS) sum(k in RANKS) rank(j,k) = 1

! Relations between the end of job rank k on machine m and start of job on
! machine m+1
 forall(m in 1..NM-1,k in 1..NJ-1)
  empty(m,k) + sum(j in JOBS) DUR(m,j)*rank(j,k+1) + wtime(m,k+1) =
   wtime(m,k) + sum(j in JOBS) DUR(m+1,j)*rank(j,k) + empty(m+1,k)

! Calculation of start times (to facilitate the interpretation of results)
 forall(m in MACH, k in RANKS) 
  start(m,k) = sum(u in 1..m-1,j in JOBS) DUR(u,j)*rank(j,1) +
               sum(p in 1..k-1,j in JOBS) DUR(m,j)*rank(j,p) + 
               sum(p in 1..k-1) empty(m,p)

! First machine has no idle times
 forall(k in 1..NJ-1) empty(1,k) = 0

! First job has no waiting times
 forall(m in 1..NM-1) wtime(m,1) = 0

 forall(j in JOBS, k in RANKS) rank(j,k) is_binary  

(! Alternative formulations using SOS-1: 
 forall(j in JOBS) sum(k in RANKS) k*rank(j,k) is_sos1 
 forall(k in RANKS) sum(j in JOBS) j*rank(j,k) is_sos1 

! Solve the problem

! Solution printing
 writeln("Total waiting time for last machine: ", getobjval)
  forall(k in RANKS) write(strfmt(getsol(sum(j in JOBS) j*rank(j,k)),3))
 forall(m in MACH) do
  write("Machine ", m, ": ")
  forall(k in RANKS) write(strfmt(start(m,k).sol,3))


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