FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Mining and process industries

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
A‑1 Production of alloys: Blending problem

formulation of blending constraints; data with numerical indices, solution printout, if-then, getsol
* blending_graph.mos
A‑2 Animal food production: Blending problem

formulation of blending constraints; data with string indices, as, formatted solution printout, use of getsol with linear expressions, strfmt
* a1alloy.mos
A‑3 Refinery : Blending problem

formulation of blending constraints; sparse data with string indices, dynamic initialization, union of sets
** a2food.mos
A‑4 Cane sugar production : Minimum cost flow (in a bipartite graph)

mo ceil, is_binary, formattext
* e2minflow.mos, mincostflow_graph.mos
A‑5 Opencast mining: Minimum cost flow

encoding of arcs, solving LP-relaxation only, array of set
** a4sugar.mos
A‑6 Production of electricity: Dispatch problem

inline if, is_integer, looping over optimization problem solving

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 6: Mining and process industries (blending problems)[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file a5mine_set.mos
   Opencast mining
   - Set version -
   An opencast uranium mine is being prospected. 6 of 
   the 18 blocks contain uranium. To extract a block, 3
   blocks of the level above it need to be extracted. 
   Blocks have varied extraction costs and each block 
   of uranium has a different market value. The objective
   is to determine which blocks to extract to maximize 
   total benefit.
   This model uses binary variables to indicate which 
   blocks will be extracted. The extraction order between 
   layers is represented via an array of sets data structure.
   A relaxed (aggregated) formulation of this constraint is 
   commented out for reference.

   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Jan. 2006, rev. Mar. 2022

model "A-5 Opencast mining (2)"
 uses "mmxprs"

  BLOCKS = 1..18                         ! Set of blocks
  LEVEL23: set of integer                ! Blocks in levels 2 and 3
  COST: array(BLOCKS) of real            ! Exploitation cost of blocks
  VALUE: array(BLOCKS) of real           ! Value of blocks
  PRED: array(LEVEL23) of set of integer ! Predecessor blocks

  extract: array(BLOCKS) of mpvar        ! 1 if block b is extracted

 initializations from 'a5mine2.dat'

! Objective: maximize total profit
 Profit:= sum(b in BLOCKS) (VALUE(b)-COST(b))* extract(b)  

! Extraction order
! forall(b in LEVEL23) getsize(PRED(b))*extract(b) <= sum(c in PRED(b)) extract(c)
 forall(b in LEVEL23) forall(c in PRED(b)) extract(b) <= extract(c)

 forall(b in BLOCKS) extract(b) is_binary
! Solve the problem

! Solution printing
  WEIGHT: integer                        ! Weight of blocks

 initializations from 'a5mine2.dat'

 writeln("Total profit:", strfmt(getobjval*WEIGHT,8,0))
 write("Extract blocks")
 forall(b in BLOCKS | getsol(extract(b))>0) write(" ", b)


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