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Capital budgeting - Using multi-objective optimization

Capital budgeting example, solved using three multi-objective approaches:
  • Lexicographic approach, solving first to minimize capital expended and second to maximize return
  • Blended approach, solving a weighted combination of both objectives simultaneously
  • Lexicographic approach, with the objective priorities reversed
The model version Capbgt2l demonstrates the formuation of logical constraints.[download all files]

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// (c) 2023-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation

import static com.dashoptimization.objects.Utils.scalarProduct;
import static com.dashoptimization.objects.Utils.sum;


import com.dashoptimization.ColumnType;
import com.dashoptimization.XPRSenumerations;
import com.dashoptimization.objects.Inequality;
import com.dashoptimization.objects.LinExpression;
import com.dashoptimization.objects.Variable;
import com.dashoptimization.objects.XpressProblem;

 * Capital budgeting example. The problem is solved using three multi-objective
 * approaches: - Lexicographic approach, solving first to minimize capital
 * expended and second to maximize return - Blended approach, solving a weighted
 * combination of both objectives simultaneously - Lexicographic approach, with
 * the objective priorities reversed
public class CapitalBudgeting {
     * Required capital for each project
    static final double[] CAPITAL = { 104000, 53000, 29000, 187000, 98000, 32000, 75000, 200000 };
     * Required personnel for each project
    static final double[] PERSONNEL = { 22, 12, 7, 36, 24, 10, 20, 41 };
     * Expected return of each project
    static final double[] RETURN = { 124000, 74000, 42000, 188000, 108000, 56000, 88000, 225000 };
     * Target capital to invest
    static final double CAPITAL_TARGET = 478000;
     * Target return on investment
    static final double ROI_TARGET = 550000;
     * Available personnel
    static final int PERSONNEL_MAX = 106;

    private final XpressProblem prob;

     * Binary decision variables indicating which projects will be implemented
    private Variable[] select;

     * Constraint for the number of personnel available
    private Inequality personnel;

     * Primary objective: minimize capital expended
    private LinExpression capital;

     * Secondary objective: maximize return on investment
    private LinExpression roi;

    public CapitalBudgeting(XpressProblem prob) {
        this.prob = prob;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        try (XpressProblem prob = new XpressProblem()) {
            new CapitalBudgeting(prob).solve();

    public void solve() {
        // Binary decision variables indicating which projects will be implemented
        select = prob.addVariables(CAPITAL.length).withType(ColumnType.Binary).withName("select_%d").toArray();

        // Constraint: at least 3 projects must be implemented

        // Constraint for the number of personnel available
        personnel = prob.addConstraint(scalarProduct(select, PERSONNEL).leq(PERSONNEL_MAX));

        // Primary objective: minimize capital expended
        capital = scalarProduct(select, CAPITAL);
        // The first objective has priority=1 (weight=1 by default)
        prob.setObjective(capital, XPRSenumerations.ObjSense.MINIMIZE);
        prob.setObjIntControl(0, XPRSenumerations.ObjControl.PRIORITY, 1);

        // Secondary objective: maximize return on investment
        roi = scalarProduct(select, RETURN);
        // The second objective has weight=-1 to maximize this expression, and
        // priority=0
        // to cause this objective to be solved in a second optimization
        prob.addObjective(roi, 0, -1);

        printSolution("Higher priority for 'Minimize Capital' objective:");

        // Now set the same priority for both objectives. This will result in a single
        // solve
        // using the weighted sum of the two objectives.
        prob.setObjIntControl(1, XPRSenumerations.ObjControl.PRIORITY, 1);
        printSolution("Equal priority for objectives:");

        // Finally, give the first objective a lower priority
        prob.setObjIntControl(0, XPRSenumerations.ObjControl.PRIORITY, 0);
        printSolution("Higher priority for 'Maximize Return' objective:");

     * Prints the current solution to the problem.
     * @param title a title to print before the solution
    private void printSolution(String title) {
        if (prob.attributes().getSolveStatus() != XPRSenumerations.SolveStatus.COMPLETED
                || prob.attributes().getSolStatus() != XPRSenumerations.SolStatus.OPTIMAL) {
            System.out.println("  Problem not solved");
        } else {
            System.out.println("  Objectives: " + prob.attributes().getObjectives() + " solved objectives: "
                    + prob.attributes().getSolvedObjs());

            double[] sol = prob.getSolution();
            double capitalUsed = capital.evaluate(sol);
            double roiGained = roi.evaluate(sol);
            if (capitalUsed > CAPITAL_TARGET) {
                System.out.println("  Unable to meet Capital target");
            if (roiGained < ROI_TARGET) {
                System.out.println("  Unable to meet Return target");

            System.out.print("  Projects undertaken:");
            for (int p = 0; p < select.length; p++) {
                if (select[p].getSolution() >= 0.99) {
                    System.out.print(" " + p);

                    "  Used capital: $" + capitalUsed + (CAPITAL_TARGET >= capitalUsed ? " unused: $" : " overused: $")
                            + Math.abs(CAPITAL_TARGET - capitalUsed));
            System.out.println("  Total return: $" + roiGained);
            System.out.println("  Unused personnel: " + (int) personnel.getSlack() + " persons");

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